Hello STR Community. Please see STR Division Chair Samina Karim's recent letter about STR's ongoing response to COVID-19.
Dear STR Community,
I hope this email finds you and your loved ones healthy and well. This is an unprecedented time for all of us during the COVID-19 crisis. The STR Leadership Team recently met online for a 2 day Executive Committee meeting and top on our agenda was ways to serve our community and bring people together.
STR is launching several "STRonger Together" online initiatives for the month of April. Below is a quick summary. You can find details by following each link.
Social Connections: Café Zoom Conversations offer the opportunity for our membership to get together socially online. In the Working-from-Home (WFH) series in April, STR members are invited to discuss challenges they face working from home, as well as share strategies that are helpful to manage disruptions and stay positive and productive. We have six 1-hour sessions rotating across time zones, moderated by current and past STR officers; please register for one or more sessions, and you will receive your Zoom link upon registration.
Research Connections: Networkshops are a series of online Zoom workshops for PhD students who expect to be on the job market next academic year (2020-21). Our goal is to provide a forum for these students to interact with senior faculty and peers in their relevant areas and get early feedback on their potential job market papers. The workshops will be conducted in a round table discussion format with several students and one senior discussant spending an hour talking about the students' research ideas. We have three networkshops scheduled for April.
Teaching Connections: Please contribute any Strategic Management teaching content that you can share during this time (into our Online Teaching Resources Folder), useful links and advice for teaching online or using different platforms (by replying to the call for posts at Teaching Advice & Comments). Thanks to Drew Hess and Jennifer Knippen for organizing contributions, and to those who have already contributed including Pinar Ozcan on teaching cases online and Maciej Workiewicz with pragmatic Zoom tips. Let's keep crowdsourcing!
Fun Connections: During this time of social distancing it is heartwarming to see photos that bring a smile to our faces. Many of us are STRonger Together with our beloved pets. Check out the STR Photo Booth in our website homepage for pictures of STR members (including current and past leaders) with their pet pals and on our Twitter channel. Tweet your pics with the hashtag #STRongerTogether or send a photo of you with a pet pal and title the photo "Your Name – Institution – Pet Name" to Paolo Aversa, our STR Communications Director. Here's a photo of me with the "baby" of our family, Romeo!
Stay tuned for more initiatives in May, and in the meantime, stay STRong! Please email me directly with any questions, concerns or suggestions.
Warm regards on behalf of the STR Leadership Team,
Samina Karim Professor, Northeastern University
STR Division Chair, Academy of Management
STR Leadership Team (2020-21):
Paolo Aversa (Cass Business School)
Heather Berry (George Washington U)
Guoli Chen (INSEAD)
Emily Cox-Pahnke (U Washington)
Felipe Csaszar (U Michigan)
Paul Drnevich (U Alabama)
Nilanjana Dutt (Bocconi U)
Tim Folta (U Connecticut)
Claudine Gartenberg (U Pennsylvania)
Ha Hoang (ESSEC)
Michael Holmes (Florida State U)
John Joseph (U California, Irvine)
Samina Karim (Northeastern U)
Aseem Kaul (U Minnesota)
Michael Leiblein (Ohio State U)
Jiao Luo (U Minnesota)
Xavier Martin (Tilburg U)
Denisa Mindruta (HEC, Paris)
Violina Rindova (U Southern California)
Bilgehan Uzunca (ESADE)
Elena Vidal (Baruch College)
R. Michael Holmes Jr.
Florida State University
STR Division Secretary