STR is seeking self-nominations for the STR Treasurer position, to start after the 2025 annual AOM conference and to run for a four-year term. This position is appointed by the STR Division Chair, with approval from the other officers and input from the current Treasurer.
For more information about this position, please see position information below and/or contact the current Treasurer, Paul Drnevich at with questions.
How to Apply
Interested volunteers should submit a brief (i.e., < 500 words) statement of interest that answers the following questions:
- a) Why are you interested in the Treasurer position for the Strategic Management Division?
- b) What are your qualifications and relevant experience for the position (what skills can you bring and contribute to the STR division)?
Applications are due by March 12, 2025 and should be emailed to the STR Past Division Chair Louise Mors ( ). Please make sure the phrase "Treasurer" is in the subject line of the email.
Strategic Management Division – Treasurer Description
The Treasurer maintains the Division's financial records, prepares annual budgets, and reports to the Executive Committee on the financial status of the Division. Approval of all expense reimbursement for the division are handled by the Treasurer.
The Treasurer works with and supports the division and its members through budgeting, planning, and support by providing financial oversight of the revenues and expenses of the division. As a secondary role, the Treasurer also provides financial oversight and support for a limited set of division-wide and academy-wide events and activities that are organized by the division. The treasurer also is responsible for reviewing, representing, and providing oversight of the STR's financial operations and relationship, serving as the primary contact, with the finance and accounting staff of the AOM.
Some financial training will be provided by AOM Finance, but for this position we expect that you have basic budgeting knowledge and some experience managing budgets is also preferable. The treasurer is expected to attend this annual training/meeting for division Treasurers (historically occurring in person at the annual meeting, or more recently virtually prior to the annual meeting).
The treasurer works closely with the division chair on the annual budget and also works with the other elected and appointed officers throughout the year.
The Treasurer is expected to attend the business and leadership meetings at the annual meeting where the budget is presented by the division chair. In addition, the treasurer is expected to attend the STR the winter meeting (usually held in March at a location that varies annually). Travel to the winter meeting is partially subsidized by the STR division. The final budget is presented and approved (by the STR officers and executive committee) at the annual winter meeting.
Finally, the Treasurer is expected to assist with identifying their replacement at the end of the term, and helping with a smooth transition for up to one year of hand-over.
Marie Louise Mors
Copenhagen Business School