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Entrepreneurship and Innovation Policy Research virtual seminars

  • 1.  Entrepreneurship and Innovation Policy Research virtual seminars

    Posted 01-10-2025 23:35

    Dear Colleagues,

    Our next virtual seminar in the https://gmail.us14.list-manage.com/track/click?u=070f2e06671006300984cda44&id=5962e4bfd1&e=068bd66602. Click or tap if you trust this link." data-linkindex="0">Entrepreneurship and Innovation Policy Research series Wednesday, January 15, from 11:00-12:00 ET. Jeff Macher (Georgetown) - will present "Does region scientific leadership translate into lasting innovation advantage" Abstract is below. Click the link https://gmail.us14.list-manage.com/track/click?u=070f2e06671006300984cda44&id=d0c724bcab&e=068bd66602. Click or tap if you trust this link." data-linkindex="1">HERE to register for the 1/15 seminar. 

    We hope you join us!

    - Tim Folta (UCONN), Maryann Feldman (ASU), and Supradeep Dutta (Rutgers U)

    Abstract: Basic and applied research are interdependent and interconnected components of the innovation life cycle. We provide unique evidence of their dynamic interplay. We investigate whether "pioneer" regions -- initial leaders in the production of scientific papers in newly emerging distinct fields -- develop and maintain an innovation advantage via the production of patents in those fields. Our analysis examines 24 emergent and disruptive technologies in OECD country regions over a 20-year period. Our baseline estimation indicates that pioneer regions exhibit a substantial and lasting patenting advantage that emerges early and grows over the sample window -- resulting in roughly a 50 percent patenting advantage in comparison to non-pioneer regions. This effect is more pronounced for major and first-mover pioneer regions, underscoring the importance of timely and focused research efforts in achieving long-term innovation superiority. Our analysis further reveals that "super-cluster" regions -- initial leaders in the production of both scientific papers and patents in broad technology areas to which our emergent disruptive technologies belong to-- generate the largest and the most durable innovation advantage. These findings have important implications for business strategy and research and innovation policy, highlighting the interplay between basic research (via the production of scientific papers) and innovation (via the production of patents) for sustained regional innovation performance. 

    Supradeep Dutta
    Rutgers University-Camden
    Camden NJ