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NEW PUBLILCATIONS: Austrian Economics and Entrepreneurship AND Uncertainty and Entrepreneurship

  • 1.  NEW PUBLILCATIONS: Austrian Economics and Entrepreneurship AND Uncertainty and Entrepreneurship

    Posted 09-06-2024 15:47

    I am pleased to announce that Foundations and Trends® in Entrepreneurship has published the following issue:


    Volume 20, Issue 1

    Austrian Economics and Entrepreneurship

    By Matthew McCaffrey, Per L. Bylund and Peter G. Klein




    Volume 20, Issue 2

    Uncertainty and Entrepreneurship: A Critical Review of the Research, with Implications for the Field

    By Richard J. Arend



    Complimentary downloads of this article will be available until 8 September so you should be able to access it directly using the link provided.

    Best Regards,

    Zac Rolnik
    now publishers