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    Posted 01-06-2025 21:44


    Brian Wu

    Ross School of Business, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

    STR Division Chair Elect



    The STR Division of the Academy of Management requests nominations for the STR Outstanding Educator Award, to be given at next year's annual meetings in Copenhagen, Denmark. The STR Division has recognized Outstanding Educators with an award since 1987. Since 2008, the STR division has presented this award on an annual basis.

    This award is designed to recognize an established strategy scholar who has demonstrated a long-term commitment to and expertise in educating strategy students. Nominees should have at least 15 years of service since graduating from their own doctoral programs. In odd years, STR evaluates nominees with respect to their contributions to Ph.D. and doctoral education. In even years, STR evaluates nominees with respect to their contributions to MBA/executive education in strategic management.

    Since our next meeting will be in 2025, we are now soliciting nominations for scholars who have made significant contributions to mentoring Ph.D. students in strategic management.

    Manifestations of outstanding educator contributions might include:

    1. Mentorship of PhD Students. The person has been closely linked to the development of other outstanding scholars and in developing the scholarship of others. For example, the nominee is actively involved in dissertation committees or participates regularly in developmental doctoral consortia or other specialized doctoral workshops like CCC or DRUID, etc. Former doctoral students might provide testimonials as to the impact that this individual had on their growth and development as scholars.
    2. Mentorship of Junior Colleagues. The person has mentored or advised scholars beyond the dissertation advisor role by offering constructive comments, suggestions, and criticism. For example, the nominee may have served on others' dissertation committees or participated frequently at junior faculty professional development workshops.

    Previous award winners include:

    • 1987: C. Roland Christensen (Harvard U.)
    • 1989: James Brian Quinn (Dartmouth College)
    • 1991: Charles Summer (U. of Washington)
    • 1993: Michael Porter (Harvard U.)
    • 1995: William H. Newman (Columbia U.)
    • 1997: David Jemison (U. of Texas)
    • 1999: Arnold Cooper (Purdue U.)
    • 2001: Michael A. Hitt (Arizona State U.)
    • 2003: Donald C. Hambrick (Penn State U.)
    • 2005: Jay Barney (Ohio State U.)
    • 2007: Kathy Eisenhardt (Stanford U.)
    • 2008: Pankaj Ghemawat (IESE Business School)
    • 2009: Will Mitchell (Duke U.)
    • 2010: Anita McGahan (U. of Toronto)
    • 2011: Joseph Mahoney (U. of Illinois)
    • 2012: Henry Mintzberg (McGill U.)
    • 2013: Bernard Yeung (National U. of Singapore)
    • 2014: Myles Shaver (U. of Minnesota)
    • 2015: Dan Levinthal (U. of Pennsylvania)
    • 2016: Gautam Ahuja (U. of Michigan)
    • 2017: Glenn Carroll (Stanford U.)
    • 2018: Sharon Oster (Yale U.)
    • 2019: David Mowery (U. of California Berkeley)
    • 2020: Jan Rivkin (Harvard U.)
    • 2021: Edward J. Zajac (Northwestern U.)
    • 2022: Margarethe F. Wiersema (U. of California Irvine)
    • 2023: Aks Zaheer (University of Minnesota)
    • 2024: David Collis (Harvard U.)

    How to nominate someone for the STR Outstanding Educator Award:

    Please send an email to Brian Wu, STR Division Chair Elect (wux@umich.edu) with the subject line heading "STR Outstanding Educator Award nomination." Please regard the nomination as accepted when you receive a confirmation email response. Please kindly check your Junk folder / Spam filter for this confirmation email; if you still don't see it after three days, please follow up with Brian Wu (wux@umich.edu). Nomination emails should include a letter explaining your reasons for supporting the nominee, including a few sentences to address how your nominee meets the award criteria, as well as relevant CV(s) or URL link(s). Typical nomination letters are no longer than one page. Self-nominations are accepted. Nominees are evaluated by a committee consisting of senior scholars in strategic management, which will conduct its own research to document and evaluate the merits of candidate nominees.

    Nominations will be accepted up until Friday, January 26, 2025.

    2025 Emerging Scholar and Guth Distinguished Service Awards:

    In 2025, the STR Division will be awarding the STR Emerging Scholar Award and the STR William D. Guth Distinguished Service Award.

    To nominate someone for either award, please send an email to Brian Wu, STR Division Chair Elect (wux@umich.edu) with either heading "Emerging Scholar Award nomination" or "Guth Distinguished Service Award nomination". Please kindly check your Junk folder / Spam filter for this confirmation email; if you still don't see it after three days, please follow up with Brian Wu (wux@umich.edu). Please include a brief explanation as to why you are nominating the individual, and also include a few sentences to address how your nominee meets the award criteria. Either attach the nominee's CV or include a URL link. Self-nominations are accepted. Nominations for both will be accepted up until January 26, 2025. The winners of both awards are selected by an STR committee and members of the STR Executive Committee.


    The STR Emerging Scholar Award is given every other year, in odd-numbered years. The recipient will be a promising scholar who has established a research record of exceptional quality. The recipient will have a solid publication record and his/her scholarly contributions will already demonstrate an impact on the field of strategic management. The recipient of the STR Emerging Scholar Award was Seth Carnahan (Washington U.) in 2019, Vanessa Burbano (Columbia U.) in 2021, and Phebo Wibbens (INSEAD) in 2023.

    Candidates will be judged by the relevance, academic contribution, theoretical and methodological rigor, and practical implications of their work.

    Who is eligible:  Scholars who received their PhD or doctorate degree within 6 years prior to the award year (so for eligibility in 2025, the candidate's final dissertation defense date must have occurred after January 2019) and who is an STR member.


    The STR William D. Guth Distinguished Service Award (created in 2017) is given every other year, in odd-numbered years. The recipient will be an STR member with at least 15 years of service to the field, who has made significant contributions to activities within the STR Division, the Academy of Management, and/or to the broader field of strategic management.  The recipient of the inaugural award in 2017 was Duane Ireland (Texas A&M U.), the recipient of the 2019 Guth Distinguished Service Award was Ed Zajac (Northwestern U.), the recipient of the 2021 Guth Distinguished Service Award was Will Mitchell (U. of Toronto), and the recipient of the 2023 Guth Distinguished Service Award was Anita McGahan (U. of Toronto).

    Award criteria may include editorial contributions at journals or of edited volumes of strategy research, significant contributions to the Academy of Management, conference organizing, administrative roles, or textbook authorship. Those who have served as STR officers are ineligible until at least five years after their term ends.


    The STR Division will offer the Outstanding Dissertation Award in Strategic Management again in 2025. Any doctoral dissertation may be entered that satisfies the following criteria:

    1. The dissertation addresses topics in the area of business policy and strategic management.
    2. The dissertation was completed between January 27, 2024 and January 26, 2025, where the completion date is when the degree is completed and awarded.
    3. The dissertation was not previously submitted for consideration for this award. A dissertation may be submitted to STR and other divisions simultaneously if it fits within each division's domain statement. The STR domain statement can be found at https://str.aom.org/home  (under About).

    Interested recent graduates should submit their applications by email to Brian Wu, STR Division Chair Elect (wux@umich.edu) with the subject line heading "STR Division Outstanding Dissertation Award submission." Please kindly check your Junk folder / Spam filter for this confirmation email; if you still don't see it after three days, please follow up with Brian Wu (wux@umich.edu). The application should include the following Word documents as attachments:

    1. A one-page abstract of the dissertation.
    2. A ten-page double-spaced summary of the dissertation.
    3. A separate cover page listing your name, the dissertation's title, the completion date, the name of the university granting your degree, your current university affiliation and any intervening affiliation (such as a post-doc or visiting position), and a complete list of dissertation committee members (advisor, other committee members, any "defense opponent" etc.) and their affiliations.

    In order to facilitate compliance with the STR conflict of interest policy and the blind review process, please remove any author-identifying information from your abstract and dissertation summary.

    Initial submissions must be received by Friday, January 26 (11:59pm your local time), 2025. Submissions are by email only, and will not be accepted by fax or regular mail. Members of the STR Research Committee will evaluate the dissertation summaries and invite a subset of entrants to submit their complete dissertations in March 2025 for further evaluation.

    Xun (Brian) Wu
    Robert G. Rodkey Collegiate Professor of Business Administration
    Professor of Strategy 

    Brian Wu
    Brian Wu Person
    Ann Arbor MI