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(Reminder) Jan 15: Reviewing for Conferences and Journals - Best Practices

  • 1.  (Reminder) Jan 15: Reviewing for Conferences and Journals - Best Practices

    Posted 01-10-2025 23:35

    Dear Colleagues, 

    I hope you have had a productive week. The STR Division reminds you to join the 2025 edition of the Virtual Writing Retreat entitled "Reviewing for Conferences and Journals: Best Practices." Following another successful iteration, Catherine Maritan (Syracuse University) will share insights about best practices when reviewing. We will spend one hour hearing from Professor Maritan including a Q&A to help you review for #AOMCopenhagen2025!

    Date: Wednesday, Jan 15th

    Time: 11.00am EST

    Where: Zoom; please register here.

    The STR Writing Retreat series is part of #STRongerTogether initiatives where we invite scholars to join a themed reflection on writing.

    If you have any questions, please email Bukky Akinsanmi Oyedeji at boyedeji@london.edu

    For: STR Membership Engagement Committee

    Bukky Akinsanmi Oyedeji
    Assistant Professor
    London Business School
    +44 07895881299