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STR MEC Webinar: "The Academic Career Around the World"

  • 1.  STR MEC Webinar: "The Academic Career Around the World"

    Posted 01-06-2025 21:41

    Webinar: "The Academic Career Around the World"

    January 21st, 2025

    New York

    São Paulo





    7:00 AM

    9:00 AM

    11:00 PM

    12:00 PM

    8:00 PM

    1:00 PM

    Ever wondered how academic career paths differ globally—from the PhD program to landing your first assistant professor role to navigating promotions, tenure, and teaching requirements? What challenges and opportunities shape academic life across continents?

    The AOM STR Division invites you to an exciting webinar exploring the diverse trajectories of academic careers across continents. A distinguished panel of six speakers, each representing a different continent, will share their insights on the diverse trajectories of academic careers around the world.

    This interactive session includes a dedicated Q&A, giving you the opportunity to ask pressing questions and gain personalized advice from global experts.

    Don’t miss this chance to explore the global landscape of academic careers!

    Registration: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZModO-hpjMqE9T_E3UqqVb93ksp4ZOxz4fr

    Charlotte Jacobs
    Louisiana State University
    Baton Rouge LA