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JoMSR Volume 2, Issue 3-4 is now published

  • 1.  JoMSR Volume 2, Issue 3-4 is now published

    Posted 11-24-2024 18:24

    Dear STR Division colleagues,

    The final issue of Volume 2 (November, 2024) from the Journal of Management Scientific Reports is now available. This issue is dedicated to invited editorials from prominent strategy and micro scholars who offered their thoughts on the empirical research needed to advance theory on the following topics: global work, corporate purpose; voluntary employee turnover; value capture theory; governance of interorganizational relationships; and proactive personality and behavior.

    All articles are open access for six months: https://journals.sagepub.com/toc/MSR/current.

    We hope you find these articles helpful to producing your own empirical study to submit to JoMSR!

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    Theory testing and replication studies in the global work domain

    B. Sebastian Reiche & Margaret A. Shaffer

    Corporate purpose research: Streams and promises

    Rodolphe Durand & Chang-Wa Huynh

    Evolutions and paths: Voluntary employee turnover theories in search of new empirical tests

    David G. Allen & Julie Hancock

    An empirical research agenda for value capture theory

    David Gaddis Ross

    Revisiting research on the governance of interorganizational relationships

    Jeffrey J. Reuer

    Proactive personality and behavior: Opportunities for refining theory and creating a more unified understanding

    J. Michael Crant & Nancy Chen

    Xavier Martin
    Tilburg University