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    Posted 11-26-2024 20:23

    Deepak Somaya

    Hello STR Members!

    The activities of our division are off to a great start. This year we are undertaking a significant overhaul of our non-conference activities (many of which were introduced during the COVID-19 pandemic) to design a forward-looking "new normal" for the division. These changes include a new Global Impact Plan, wherein we are seeking to more extensively develop and engage scholars from less represented regions of the world. We have also reexamined our various digital activities and the value and impact they create, and will be hosting several virtual activities through the rest of the AOM year under a new Digital Plan. Please keep an eye on the STR discussion board and the STR calendar for information about these future activities. In addition, I would like to highlight the phenomenal library of digital resources available to you from STR, including the content on our YouTube channel, which can also be accessed as podcasts (see links on the STR home page), and STR's extensive repertoire of teaching resources (under the teaching tab).

    AoM has now posted the call for papers for the 2025 annual conference in Copenhagen, a new location that promises an exciting conference experience. The planning within STR for the 2025 August Annual Meeting is already underway, and you will receive the call for pre-conference submissions from Assistant Program Chair, Nan Jia (University of Southern California). The aim of the PDW program is to foster developmental sessions for our community. Program Chair Isin Guler (University of North Carolina) will reach out with the call for paper and symposia submissions, and this year AOM is experimenting with a new format-posters-which will also be included in the call. We hope to see many submissions from you to the STR program.

    Isin will also appeal to you to sign up to review our Division's submissions. STR has a strong tradition of reviewing from its members (including many senior scholars), and we hope you will help sustain this tradition by signing up to review for STR – it is a great way to give back to the community.

    I would also like to encourage you to start thinking about nominees for the STR career awards. Division Chair Elect, Brian Wu (University of Michigan), and the STR Awards Committee will be seeking your nominations for the career awards. Brian will also be looking for submissions for the STR dissertation award.    

    Finally, Past Division Chair, Louise Mors (Copenhagen Business School), will reach out to seek your nominations for the future leaders of our division.  

    I hope you will engage with the division in preparation for Copenhagen 2025 and we will look forward to seeing you there, if not before at one of our many virtual events! 

    Deepak Somaya
    Diane N. and Steven N. Miller Professor
    Don and Anne Edwards Scholar
    University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign