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  • 1.  #STRun2024

    Posted 06-13-2024 16:51

    STRunners, this year we will meet on Sunday August 11th at 7am in front of the Sheraton Grand Chicago Riverwalk Hotel (the official STR hotel) for a nice run to start the day STRong! The plan is to run through the Millennium Park, with a mandatory stop by the Bean, then continuing towards Adler Planetarium and back by the lakefront.

    Consider joining the STRava group if you want to join other STRrunners more regularly: https://www.strava.com/clubs/962213


    Look forward to running together!


    Aldona Kapacinskaite, STR Membership Engagement Committee

    Aldona Kapacinskaite | Assistant Professor | Department of Management and Technology 

    Bocconi University

    Tel: +39 02 5836.2532

    Email: aldona.kapacinskaite@unibocconi.it 

    Web: www.aldonak.com  

    Connect: LinkedIn | Twitter  

    Aldona Kapacinskaite
    Assistant Professor
    Bocconi University