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Deadline extended - STR AOM Doctoral Consortium

  • 1.  Deadline extended - STR AOM Doctoral Consortium

    Posted 8 days ago

    STR Doctoral Consortium

    Friday, August 2 & Saturday, August 3, 2024 (8:00 am 1:00 pm EDT - Virtual)

    Application Deadline: June 28, 2024


    The STR Doctoral Consortium is intended for students who are in the dissertation proposal stage of their PhD programs. The objective of the consortium is to support doctoral students as they shape their dissertations. Students will have opportunities to discuss their work in small groups with distinguished faculty and peers, to meet and interact with future colleagues, and to enhance their scholarship, teaching and overall development.

    The 2024 STR Doctoral Consortium will have synchronous and asynchronous components. The synchronous meetings will be held virtually a week before the main Academy of Management conference, on Friday, August 2nd and Saturday, August 3rd, from 8:00 am to 1:00 pm EDT.

    The 2024 Doctoral Consortium co-chairs are Joe Raffiee (University of Southern California) and Jillian Chown (Northwestern University). The tentative faculty panel includes (by last name in alphabetic order): Michaël Bikard (INSEAD); Goran Calic (McMaster); Glenn Hoetker (Melbourne); Ramon Lecuona Torras (Dartmouth); Joon Mahn Lee (Seoul National University); Hong Luo (Harvard); Ivana Naumosvska (INSEAD Singapore); Willie Ocasio (Illinois – Urbana-Champaign); Elena Plaksenkova (Ohio State); Ram Ranganathan (UT Austin); David Tan (U of Washington); and Keyvan Vakili (LBS).

    Interested students should apply via the application website no later than June 15th, 2024. All applicants will be notified of admission decisions by the end of June 2024.

    ***Application Website: https://kellogg.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_afbPWs4F7rUPnxQ


    The application website will request the following information:

    1.  Cover Letter. You will be asked to submit a "cover letter" describing your interest in the Strategic Management division, and why the STR Doctoral Consortium is the best fit for you. Please also indicate the number of years you will have participated in your PhD program by September 2024 and your expected dissertation proposal defense date. Note that when submitting the letter you will be required to confirm that: (a) you are applying to the STR Doctoral Consortium only (and not the STR Dissertation Consortium), (b) your primary division of interest is Strategic Management, (c) you will attend the STR Doctoral Consortium if accepted, and (d) you commit to accept an invitation to only one doctoral consortium at the 2024 AOM meeting. You should enter the text of your letter in the space provided on the application website (no attachments).
    2. Nomination Letter. Have your dissertation chairperson write a nomination letter (on letterhead). The letter should verify that you are working on your dissertation proposal and state your dissertation proposal defense date. Please upload as a PDF (only). Please name the file as follows: LastName-FirstName-Nomination.pdf. If your chairperson would prefer to send us a nomination letter privately, they may do so by emailing it to jillian.chown@kellogg.northwestern.edu, but please indicate on the form if that is the case. Space permitting, we will work to accommodate multiple students from a single institution; if space is limited, only one student per institution will be admitted.
    3. Curriculum Vitae. You will be asked to upload your current CV. Please upload as a PDF (only). Please name the file as follows: LastName-FirstName-CV.pdf.
    4. Dissertation Abstract. You will be asked for a 200 word abstract of your dissertation proposal. Note that your abstract will be distributed to other consortium participants. You should enter the text of your abstract in the space provided on the application website (no attachments).
    5. Dissertation Keywords. You will be asked to identify 3-5 keywords related to your dissertation.
    6. Dissertation Summary. You will be asked for a summary of your dissertation proposal (2 page maximum). Please upload as a PDF (only). Please name the file as follows: LastName- FirstName-Summary.pdf.

    If you have questions about the Doctoral Consortium, please contact consortium co-chairs Joe Raffiee (joe.raffiee@marshall.usc.edu) and Jillian Chown (jillian.chown@kellogg.northwestern.edu).


    Jillian Chown
    Associate Professor, Management & Organizations
    Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University