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Message from the STR Division Program Chair (2024 AOM STR Division Program)

  • 1.  Message from the STR Division Program Chair (2024 AOM STR Division Program)

    Posted 9 days ago
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    Brian Wu, Program Chair STR

    University of Michigan, Ann Arbor


    Greetings! The 2024 AOM Annual Meeting is August 9-13 in Chicago, IL, USA. We have finalized the STR Program, and I trust that you will find it exciting and interesting. As in prior years, the STR program is organized by eight topical tracks: Corporate and International Strategy; Organization Structure, Networks and Relational Strategies; Resources, Capabilities, and Strategic Factor Markets; Nonmarket Strategy; Knowledge, Learning and Innovation Strategy; Industry, Competition, and Strategic Entrepreneurship; Strategic Leadership, TMT, and Corporate Governance; and Behavioral Strategy. Each of the tracks has a number of exciting paper and symposia sessions, and at the end of this newsletter I will highlight a few sessions. 
    Before I get into the highlights of the program, let me start by thanking the amazing volunteers that have helped me put together the program this year. First, let me thank the three outstanding scholars and STR executive committee members who helped me develop the program this year: Olga Hawn (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,), Exequiel (Zeke) Hernandez (University of Pennsylvania), and David Tan (University of Washington). I am immensely grateful to them, and if you see them in Chicago take a moment to thank them for their tremendous efforts in building the STR program. 
    Second, I wish to thank all the reviewers who signed up to review for the STR division. This year, nearly 1,300 individuals from 59 countries volunteered to review for the STR division. I am especially proud to report a completion rate of 92.6% for assigned reviews. I am deeply grateful to all of the new and continuing reviewers who gave their time and offered developmental and high-quality reviews, undertaking significant effort to serve our division in this important way.
    Third, I am thankful to Membership Engagement Committee members Aldona Kapacinskaite (Bocconi University) and Bukky Oyedeji (London Business School) for organizing and hosting a reviewing workshop where Catherine Maritan (Syracuse University) offered very helpful tips on reviewing in general, and reviewing for a conference like AOM in particular. 
    Fourth, I want to express my deep thanks to a select group of "trusted reviewers," who stepped in at the last minute to provide high-quality reviews, ensuring the timely completion of the review process.  My sincere thanks go to Daniel Albert, Valentina Assenova, Sarath Balachandran, Jiayi Bao, Moshe Barach, Andrew Boysen, Elena Vidal Branciforte, Heejung Byun, Jasmina Chauvin, MK Chin, Jaeho Choi, Christine Choi, Ilya Cuypers, Mark DesJardine, Teresa Dickler, Nilanjana Dutt, John Eklund, Angie Fairchild, Jens Friedmann, Cheng Gao, Suho Han, Rose Kim, Danny Kim, Megan Lawrence, Anparasan Mahalingam, Majid Majzoubi, Cameron Miller, Francisco Morales, Paul Nary, Timothy Ott, Elena Plaksenkova, Cuili Qian, Marlo Raveendran, Dmitry Sharapov, Lisa Tang, Ulya Tsolmon, Niki West, Audra Wormald, Mingtao Xu, and Yuchen Zhang for serving as our trusted reviewers.
    I will close this portion of my letter thanking Weikun Yang, a Ph.D. candidate in Strategy at University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, for doing a fantastic job as my program assistant. I am also thankful to the AOM Staff, especially Brianna Giampia and Gabe Bramson, for all of their assistance during the past year. And warm thanks to the other STR officers – Michael Leiblein, Louise Mors, Deepak Somaya, and Isin Guler for their help and support throughout the year.
    STR Submission Stats:
    This year, for the first time in our history, the STR Division received over 1,000 submissions! We reached a total of 1,006 submissions, a 7.4% increase from last year, including 875 papers (a 6.1% increase) and 131 symposia (a 17% increase). In particular, about 76% of our submissions had a primary author from outside the United States, representing 46 countries. This growth and diversity highlight the vibrancy and enthusiasm within our global community.

    STR Program Socials, Meetings, and Plenary

    Below are the main STR events. In addition to the in-person business meeting, we will also feature a pre-recorded business meeting that highlights the main statistics of our program, extends our thanks to all of our volunteers, and highlights the STR activities of the past year. The award winners will be announced at the in-person business meeting on Monday and we will update the pre-recorded business meeting and post it on the STR website (https://str.aom.org/home) after the in-person meeting.   

    All times listed are local time in Chicago (Central Time zone).







    8:30AM to 9:30AM

    STR Leadership meeting

    Sheraton Ballroom I

    9:30AM to 10:00AM

    STR Teaching Committee meeting

    Sheraton Grand Chicago: Sheraton Ballroom III

    10:00AM to 10:30AM

    STR Global Representatives meeting

    Sheraton Grand Chicago: Chicago Ballroom VIII




    7:30AM to 8:30AM

    STR 2024 Career Awards Breakfast social

    Sheraton Grand Chicago: Chicago Ballroom VI

    8:30AM to 9:30AM

    STR 2024 Outstanding Educator Award in Honor of David J. Collis

    Sheraton Grand Chicago: Chicago Ballroom VI

    9:30AM to 10:30AM

    STR 2024 Distinguished Scholar Award in Honor of David J. Teece

    Sheraton Grand Chicago: Chicago Ballroom VI

    3:00PM to 5:00PM

    STR Consortia Social

    Sheraton Grand Chicago: Chicago Ballroom VI




    7:30AM to 8:30AM

    STR Plenary breakfast

    Sheraton Grand Chicago: Sheraton Ballroom IV

    8:30AM to 10:00AM

    STR Plenary – The Impact and Relevance of Strategic Management

    Sheraton Grand Chicago: Sheraton Ballroom IV

    3:00PM to 4:30PM

    STR 2024 Best Dissertation Finalists' Presentations

    Sheraton Grand Chicago: Sheraton Ballroom IV

    4:30PM to 5:30PM

    STR Business Meeting

    Sheraton Grand Chicago: Sheraton Ballroom IV

    6:00PM to 7:00PM

    STR Social

    Sheraton Grand Chicago: Chicago Ballroom VI


    STR Program Paper and Symposium Session Highlights by Track

    The STR program features many exciting sessions across the three different formats. To show you the variety of sessions across the eight different STR tracks, I have chosen to highlight two sessions within each track. All times listed are local time in Chicago (Central Time Zone).








    Behavioral Strategy



    Monday Aug 12

    8:00AM to 9:30AM

    Psychological Design of Organizations


    Sheraton Grand Chicago: Michigan A

    Monday Aug 12

    11:30AM to 1:00PM

    To shape or adapt? Strategy making under uncertainty in industry emergence and evolution


    Sheraton Grand Chicago: Erie



    Corporate and International Strategy



    Sunday Aug 11

    11:30AM to 1:00PM

    Acquisitions Strategies

    Paper Session

    Sheraton Grand Chicago: Huron

    Sunday Aug 11

    5:45PM to 7:15PM


    Paper Session

    Sheraton Grand Chicago: Gold Coast


    Industry, Competition, and Strategic Entrepreneurship

    Sunday Aug 11

    4:00PM to 5:30PM

    Digital Transformation: Amplifying the Value in Global Value Chains and Strategic Innovation

    Paper Session

    Sheraton Grand Chicago: Pullman

    Sunday Aug 11

    4:00PM to 5:30PM

    Entrepreneurship Dynamics: Navigating Challenges, Building Resilience, and Leveraging Narratives

    Paper Session

    Sheraton Grand Chicago: Gold Coast



    Knowledge, Learning, and Innovation Strategy


    Sunday Aug 11

    5:45PM to 7:15PM

    "Problems" with AI: How Artificial Intelligence Helps Frame and Formulate Problems in Organization


    Sheraton Grand Chicago: Michigan A

    Sunday Aug 11

    4:00PM to 5:30PM

    Human-Technology Interface

    Paper Session

    Sheraton:Old Town



    Nonmarket Strategy



    Tuesday Aug 13

    3:00PM to 4:30PM

    Building Bridges: Developing a Research Agenda for Sustainability and Innovation


    Sheraton Grand Chicago: Sheraton Ballroom II

    Sunday Aug 11

    3:00PM to 4:30PM

    Grand Challenges and Solutions

    Paper Session

    Sheraton Grand Chicago: Chicago Ballroom IX



    Resources, Capabilities and Strategic Factor Markets


    Monday Aug 12

    3:00PM to 4:30PM

    Scaling Strategies: Enabling Scalability and Overcoming Constraints


    Sheraton Grand Chicago: Ontario

    Tuesday Aug 13

    1:15PM to 2:45PM

    Strategic Management of Resources: Navigating Uncertainty and Leveraging Capabilities

    Paper Session

    Sheraton Grand Chicago: Sheraton Ballroom IV



    Strategic Leadership, TMT, and Corporate Governance


    Monday Aug 12

    4:45PM to 6:15PM

    Individual and Group Differences within the Carnegie Perspective


    Sheraton Grand Chicago: Colorado

    Sunday Aug 11

    4:00PM to 5:30PM

    Organizational Challenges and Human Factors

    Paper Session

    Sheraton Grand Chicago: Missouri

    Brian Wu
    Ross School, Univ. of Michigan
    Ann Arbor MI