STR Communications Channels

The STR Division communicates through a set of channels:

  • STR Website Official information from the division (e.g., present and past leadership composition; award winners; teaching community materials; AOM Conferences)
  • STR Mailing List: Only official STR-specific initiatives.
  • STR Community (moderated) available to all members
  • Newsletter: To have your message included in the next Newsletter, post your message in the STR Discussions (only for authentiticated AOM members)
  • Twitter account Direct tweets: only STR- or AOM-specific initiatives. Retweets: anything strategy-related that might be of interest to the division members. Add @AOM_STR to be retweeted
  • Instagram:
  • LinkedIn: join the conversation here.
  • YouTube: Watch our videos at this link. 
  • BiliBili: If in China, watch our videos at this link.
  • Podcast: Listen to our events at this link.

About "In Memoriam"
for "in memoriam" posts please contact:
STR Secretary Dave Maslach
STR Communications Director Paolo Aversa