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PDW "Past, Present, and Future of A Behavioral Theory of the Firm"
Chicago AOM Conference 2024
Friday, Aug 9 2024 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Fairmont Chicago - Chancellor Room
Keynote Speakers:
- Dan Levinthal, U. of Pennsylvania
- Zur Shapira, NYU
- Anne Miner, Wisconsin
- Hart Posen, Dartmouth College
- Pino Audia, Dartmouth College
- Felipe Csaszar, U. of Michigan
- Daniella Laureiro-Martinez, ETH Zurich
- Hart Posen, Dartmouth College
Roundtable Facilitators:
- Chengwei Liu, Imperial College London
- Stephan Billinger, U. of Southern Denmark
- Vibha Gaba, INSEAD
- Daniela Blettner, Simon Fraser U.
- Dorthe Doejbak Haakonsson, Aarhus U.
- John Joseph, UC Irvine
- Julien Clement, Stanford
- Oliver Baumann, U. of Southern Denmark
- Daniel Newark, HEC Paris
- Horacio Rousseau, Florida State
- Songcui Hu, Arizona
- Metin Sengul, Boston College
- Sebastien Brion, IESE
The Behavioral Theory of the Firm (BTOF) has had a foundational impact on the development of much work in both organization theory and strategy. We seek to build an annual PDW that will be the touchstone of BTOF theoretical development (AOM 2024 will represent the fourth edition). The PDW will link past research with future opportunities, both narrowly within the BTOF and, more broadly, reaching out to research domains in which the BTOF is a substantive building block. We provide a discussion forum where scholars can develop a shared understanding of BTOF research and insights for developing research to advance theory. This year's theme is AI. We will engage in a theory-focused discussion of AI's implications for organizations - how recent AI developments will cause us to revisit, revise, and potentially reconstruct core building blocks of the BTOF.
The PDW will follow a two-part format:
Part 1: Keynote speakers. Zur Shapira (NYU), Dan Levinthal (Wharton), Anne Miner (Wisconsin), and Hart Posen(Dartmouth) will focus on how the emergence of AI in the wild, within the processes and practices of organizations, will impact our understanding of the foundational building blocks of the BTOF. Registration is NOT required for participation in Part 1 of the PDW.
Part 2: Roundtable discussions. Each table discussion will be focused on a different domain of BTOF research (e.g., aspirations, cognitive representations, problemistic search, org structure, multiple goals, self-enhancement). Prospective participants will apply by submitting a 2-page description of a research idea to be explored with the discussants and other participants. Each roundtable discussion will be guided by two experienced scholars who work in the BTOF tradition. Registration IS required.
To participate in Part 2, the roundtable discussion, please fill out the short registration form on this link by July 14, 2024. This will help us assign participants to roundtables based on their research interests. We will confirm registration for this PDW by late July. If you have any questions, please contact
- Hart E. Posen -
Tuck School of Business, Dartmouth College
Hart Posen
Dartmouth College, Tuck School of Business
Hanover NH