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ASQ Blog Virtual Research Discussion on June 4: Publishing Strategy Research in ASQ

  • 1.  ASQ Blog Virtual Research Discussion on June 4: Publishing Strategy Research in ASQ

    Posted 04-23-2024 11:21

    The organizers of the ASQ Blog invite you to join us for a virtual research discussion on "Publishing Strategy Research in ASQ". 

    Join us from 10 AM to 11:30 AM EDT on June 4th and learn from a panel of ASQ Associate Editors and recently published authors! You can sign up to attend here.

    Flyer for ASQ Blog Virtual Research Discussion featuring photos of the discussants


    • ASQ associate editors J.P. Eggers (New York University)
    •  Olenka Kacperczyk (London Business School)

    Panelists: Authors recently published in ASQ

    • Cheng Gao (University of Michigan)
    • Ivana Naumovska (INSEAD)
    • Kate Odziemkowska (University of Toronto)
    • Yanbo Wang (The University of Hong Kong)

    You can sign up to attend with the

    link above or RSVP directly at this link: https://nyu.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0lcu2trDwsG9URt-T4tLhPfpC2wpGvbhhQ#/registration

    Please do not hesitate to contact us (asqblog@gmail.com) if you have any questions about the event. We look forward to having a fruitful discussion with you in June! 


    ASQ Blog Organizers

    P.S. If you haven't already, check out the ASQ Blog for interviews with ASQ authors by current PhD students!

    Sienna Helena Parker
    UC Santa Barbara
    Santa Barbara CA