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Call for Participants - 2024 AOM PDW "Generative AI: Competitive Landscape and Innovation Strategy"

  • 1.  Call for Participants - 2024 AOM PDW "Generative AI: Competitive Landscape and Innovation Strategy"

    Posted 24 days ago

    Dear colleagues,

    We invite you to join our PDW titled "Generative AI: Competitive Landscape and Innovation Strategy." This PDW explores the crucial yet often overlooked question of how AI firms compete and innovate in the era of Generative AI. By identifying the competitive landscape and discussing tech strategies for firms in Generative AI, our PDW will also draw broader attention to how Gen AI is reshaping the nature of competitive strategy, including its impact on industry attractiveness, competitive advantage and its sources, and the boundaries of the firm.


    • Ron Adner (Dartmouth)
    • Prithwiraj Choudhury (Harvard)
    • Gary Dushnitsky (London Business School)
    • Charles (Chuck) Eesley (Stanford)
    • Michael Jacobides (London Business School)
    • Riitta Katila (Stanford)
    • Do Yoon Kim (Boston College)
    • Frank Rothaermel (Georgia Tech)
    • They will provide unique insights into the three dedicated discussion tracks:
      • Track 1: Understanding the competitive landscape of Gen AI
      • Track 2: Technology strategies and innovation in Gen AI
      • Track 3: Ripple effect: Strategy in the era of Gen AI 

    PDW Details

    • Date/Time: August 10 (Saturday), 2024, 12:00 – 2:30 pm
    • Location: Sheraton Chicago Ballroom X
    • Format
      • Part 1 - A speaker session featuring eight panelists
      • Part 2 - Roundtable discussions involving both panelists and attendees
      • During Part 2, each panelist will be assigned to a table and will rotate among the tables. Attendees will engage in small group activities guided by the assigned speaker, where they will discuss ongoing research, exchange theoretical perspectives, and develop future research ideas.
    • Registration 
      • This PDW is open to all with no pre-registration requirements. However, we strongly encourage you to fill out the registration form to help us estimate attendance and manage the roundtable session efficiently. Please use the following link to fill out the form by August 1, 2024: https://bit.ly/2024_pdw_genai

    For any questions, please contact the organizer, Jaeho Kim (kjaeho@wharton.upenn.edu).

    We look forward to seeing you in Chicago!

    Jaeho Kim
    Ph.D. Candidate in Management
    Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania