Final reminder to attend the last webinar of "SoBigData Digital Coffee: A shot of Big Data into Innovation, Entrepreneurship, Ethics, and Impact".
- April 24th 2024: Data Impact: Dissemination in society in the Big Data age Society – 5-6 PM (CET TIME).
Registration link 👉🏻
I am very pleased to announce the three outstanding speakers of this webinar:
🔹 Riccardo Apreda: co-founder and R&D manager of Erre Quadro, a company specialized in the development of software for the automatic analysis of texts and technical documents. In parallel to his research activity, he has coordinated about a hundred business projects on intellectual property mapping and valorization, competitive intelligence, and technology foresight, having as clients large companies, SMEs, and national and international institutions
🔹 Mark Cotè: reader in Data and Society in the Department of Digital Humanities at King's College London. He is a socio-technical researcher focusing on big data, mobile apps, algorithms and machine learning. He is a research-led academic with a pioneering cross-disciplinary vision that scans both the human and technical object to understand the societal dimensions of data, computation and AI. He has been PI or CI on EPSRC, H2020, and AHRC grants valued at more than £10 million. These include SoBigData++, the European Research Infrastructure on social data analytics, REPHRAIN, and Safe AI Assistants. His work has been published widely across leading journals ranging from Big Data & Society, CHI, CUI and the IEEE Computer. His innovative leadership in research-led teaching and curriculum development is seen in the MA Data Culture and Society.
🔹 Zelda Ailine Luconi: an xTech Cloud Architect who marries cutting-edge technology with a deep commitment to responsible innovation. With a heart that beats for data ethics, she believes that the power of technology should be harnessed for the betterment of both business and society. As a seasoned professional, she has worked mainly with Google Cloud Provider, helping organizations migrate to the cloud securely and efficiently. She champions the cause of data ethics, ensuring that AI systems, big data analytics, and machine learning models are developed with sensitivity to societal impact.
Free registration link:
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Have great day.
Best regards,
Giulio Ferrigno (Ph.D.)
Senior Assistant Professor (RTD-B)
Institute of Management and Department EMbeDS
Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna
Big Data Team
Giulio Ferrigno
Assistant Professor
Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna