STR Virtual Symposium: Empowering real-world change through STR teaching
This session will explore how strategy scholars and educators can impact changes in firms and individuals' careers through their teaching. Our four panelists will discuss the relevance of strategic management (STR) teaching in our current environment, the critical insights they bring to students, and the impact of STR teaching on students' careers and firms' progress. The discussion will be followed by a Q&A session.
Panelists: Keyvan Vakili (London Business School), Min Jung Kim (Gies College of Business), Ilaria Orlandi (Copenhagen Business School) and Russ Coff (Wisconsin School of Business)
Organizers: Florence Honoré (Wisconsin School of Business) and Louise Mors (Copenhagen Business School)
Date and time: May 1st from 9 am to 10 am ET.
Florence Honore
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Madison WI