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STR Division Election Results - Welcome to the In-Coming Elected and Appointed Members

  • 1.  STR Division Election Results - Welcome to the In-Coming Elected and Appointed Members

    Posted 05-18-2023 18:36

    Dear STR Division Members, 

    Thank you to everyone who participated in the STR Division elections this past month through the AoM system.  I am thrilled to announce the newest members of the STR Leadership Team.

    Please join me in congratulating the incoming elected Officer and EC members:

    • Congrats to Isin Gulur (U North Carolina, Chapel Hill), who will be the STR Assistant Program Chair for the 2023-2024 academic year (and will continue to Program Chair, Division Chair-Elect, Division Chair and Past Division Chair over the next five years as an elected Officer in the STR Division).
    • Congrats to the following six individuals, were elected for a two-year term to the STR Executive Committee (which establishes Division Policy, nominates committee members, and leads initiatives for the division):
      • Olga Hawn (U North Carolina, Chapel Hill)
      • Koen Heimeriks (Warwick Business School)
      • Florence Honore (U Wisconsin-Madison)
      • Fabrice Lumineau (U Hong Kong)
      • Juan Santalo (Instituto De Empresa)
      • David Tan (U Washington)

    We would also like to congratulate the newest members of the following STR Committees (who were appointed by the STR Executive Committee and elected Officers after a nomination process that was open to the entire STR membership):

    • New STR Research Committee appointees for a two-year term:
      • Mario Amore (Bocconi U),
      • Christiane Bode (Imperial College),
      • Andrew Boysen (U. North Carolina),
      • Jasmina Chauvin (Georgetown U.),
      • Teresa Dickler (Philipps U of Marburg and IE Business School),
      • Ryan Krause (Texas Christian U),
      • Yong Li (U Nevada, Las Vagas),
      • Arianna Marchetti (London Business School),
      • Leandro Pongeluppe (U Pennsylvania),
      • Marco Testoni (Tilburg U),
      • Ulya Tsolmon (Wash U.)
      • Sandy Yu (U. Minnesota)
    • New STR Awards Committee members appointed for a two-year term:
      • Oliver Baumann (U Southern Denmark)
      • Cathy Maritan (Syracuse U)
      • Xavier Martin (Tilburg U),
      • Aks Zaheer (U Minnesota),
    • New STR Teaching Committee members appointed for a two-year term
      • Nathan Furr (INSEAD),
      • Konstantina Kiousis (Wash U.),
      • Michael Mol (Copenhagen Business School)
      • Paul Seaborn (U. Virginia)
    • New STR Global Representatives appointed for a three-year term:
      • Asia – Vivian Guo (CEIBS)
      • Oceania – Pitosh Heyden (Monash U)
    • New Membership Engagement Committee members appointed for a three-year term:
      • Bukky Akinsanmi Oyedeji (U Texas at Austin)
      • Sina Khoshsokhan (U Colorado, Boulder)
      • Cameron Miller (Syracuse U)

    I look forward to seeing everyone in Boston in August.


    Heather Berry
    Past Division Chair
    STR Division