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STR Division Junior Faculty Teaching Consortium, AoM 2024

  • 1.  STR Division Junior Faculty Teaching Consortium, AoM 2024

    Posted 12-07-2023 16:53
    The Strategic Management Division will sponsor its seventh Junior Faculty Teaching Consortium during the 2024 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management! The consortium with be held in person only on Sunday August 11th.
    The STR Junior Faculty Teaching Consortium is intended for both teaching- and research-oriented faculty who are 0-5 years out of their PhD programs. The objective of the consortium is to engage participants so they become more effective in the classroom and more efficient with their teaching-related activities. Participants will have opportunities to learn from award-winning teachers, to discuss with distinguished faculty and peers in small groups particular teaching issues they may be having, to learn about available resources, to meet and interact with future colleagues, and to enhance their teaching and overall development.
    The consortium co-chairs are:
    ● Marlo Raveendran (University of California Riverside)
    ● Michael Mol (Copenhagen Business School)
    We have an exciting lineup of speakers coming together so stay tuned! If you have questions about the STR Junior Faculty Teaching Consortium, please contact consortium co-chairs Marlo Raveendran (marlo.raveendran@ucr.edu) or Michael Mol (mmo.si@cbs.dk).

    Marlo Raveendran
    Associate Professor
    UC Riverside
    Riverside CA
    (951) 827-6192