Apologies for cross-posting
We are thrilled to invite submissions for the STR Paper Development Workshop (PDW) for South America. This virtual, research-focused event is designed primarily to foster the growth of PhD candidates and early-career scholars in South America. It provides an invaluable platform to develop high-caliber research, gain insights on the publication process, and network with peers and senior members from the strategy research community in the region.
The PDW will be structured in two parts. The initial segment will host a session featuring expert panelists who will discuss the intricacies of the publication process in top international management journals.
While the first portion of the workshop is amenable to walk-ins, the second part will be by invitation only. In this segment of the PDW, promising Junior Faculty and PhD candidates will have the opportunity to present their research and receive feedback from established scholars. Above all, it is an avenue to ignite deep discussions on Strategy research and promote the development of scholars in South America.
Key Highlights:
- Each submitted paper will be reviewed by a senior scholar who will provide constructive feedback, aiming at refining the paper for the AoM 2024 Conference.
- Authors will briefly present their research to the audience, followed by feedback from the senior discussant and a general Q&A session.
- Engage and expand your professional network during the event.
- Gain insights on the publication process in premier journals from experienced scholars.
- Full participation is expected: attendees should be present throughout all sessions.
- The workshop's official language is English, and it is open to the entire strategy community.
Application process:
To participate, applicants are required to submit a single PDF. This document should contain:
- A title and author page
- An extended five-page abstract of an unpublished manuscript. This abstract should include the paper's purpose, theoretical framework, methodological approach, and any preliminary findings. We are particularly interested in proposals that emphasize causal inference methods.
Please submit your applications via email to marina.gama@fgv.br and thiagojccs@insper.edu.br with the subject line STR Workshop South America. Ensure that your PDF is named according to the convention: <STR_PDW_2023_LastName, FirstName>. As an example, for John Doe, the file should be titled <STR_PDW_2023_Doe, John>.
Important Dates:
- Submission Deadline: November 19, 2023
- Notification of Acceptance: November 26, 2023
- Full Manuscript Submission: November 30, 2023
- PDW Sessions: December 8th, 2023 – 9h00 – 12h00
For any questions or further information regarding the PDW, please do not hesitate to reach out to the organizers.
Paulo Arvate, Sandro Cabral, Marina Gama, and Thiago J. Soares
Thiago Soares
Assistant Professor
Insper Institute of Education and Research
São Paulo