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STR Program Chair Call for Submissions

  • 1.  STR Program Chair Call for Submissions

    Posted 12-07-2022 20:26
    Message from the STR Program Chair
    Call for Submissions to 2023 AoM Conference
    Deepak Somaya


    The 2023 Academy of Management (AOM) annual meeting will be held in Boston from Friday, August 4th through Tuesday, August 8th. AOM has announced that the conference will be entirely in-person, with PDWs (professional development workshops) on Friday, 4 August 2023 and Saturday, 5 August 2023 and scholarly sessions on Monday, 7 August 2023 and Tuesday, 8 August 2023. In short, the conference program will largely return to the pre-pandemic format. Selected in-person on-site sessions will be video recorded for on-demand access. Also, materials will be required from all accepted presenters to build content to be available to registrants during and post-conference (PDF, PowerPoint, video, etc.). The STR team is hard at work organizing the program in ways that we hope will benefit all our members and support the development of the field of Strategic Management.

    The AOM aims to advance the teaching, learning, research, and practice of management. The AOM conference theme for 2023 is "Putting the Worker Front and Center." As stated by AOM Vice President and Program Chair Peter Bamberger in his introduction of the 2023 theme, "global shifts in the geo-political, environmental, demographic, and technological landscape are introducing unprecedented levels of uncertainty into labor markets and employment relations.  With the world waiting for answers, the onus is on management scholars to offer new theoretical approaches and evidence-based insights that might allow managers, policy makers and labor leaders to more effectively and collaboratively meet the challenges presented." This year's conference theme challenges all members of the academy to consider the ways in which our research and teaching engages organizations, managers, students, and other stakeholders to address the new and uncertain world of work and employment. 

    The STR Division supports the AOM in advancing the creation and dissemination of knowledge in the field of strategic management. The overall conference theme invites us to consider how theories of strategic management shed light on and challenge firms to address issues related to workers and modern work. Many of the recent changes in the nature of work (e.g., a shift towards "re-shoring", widening income inequalities, workplace digital technologies, severe talent shortages, "quiet quitting", frustrations over "toxic" work environments and low wages, and employees' concerns about the social impacts of firms) challenge us to rethink issues of central importance to strategic management. We invite members of the STR Division to submit paper and symposium proposals that contribute to the overall theme of this year's meeting by addressing questions that integrate issues relating to modern work and workers with theories and phenomena of interest to strategic management. Paper and symposium proposals may also address fundamental issues of interest to the field of strategic management in topic areas such as behavioral strategy, strategic factor markets, corporate and international strategy, relational strategy, nonmarket strategy, strategic entrepreneurship, competitive strategy, knowledge, learning and innovation, strategic leadership, and corporate governance. For more information about the AOM theme and the conference in general, please visit http://aom.org/annualmeeting/theme/.

    The scale of the STR Division allows us to combine sessions into coherent tracks, which helps to foster interaction among scholars working on similar strategic problems, engaging with particular theories, or leveraging related statistical methods. At the same time, we remain mindful of the need to help integrate research in our field and thereby bring scholars together across different focus areas. In addition, we hope to organize a number of symposia and selected paper sessions shared with other divisions to encourage work in emerging areas of strategic management research and to stimulate valuable conversations across disciplines and divisions. These plans will give our members valuable opportunities to learn about new developments in different research domains and to build new connections across research streams. I will be managing the process for the 2023 conference with the help of Executive Committee members Joanna Campbell (University of Cincinnati), Donal Crilly (London Business School), and Exequiel Hernandez (University of Pennsylvania).

    Submissions: I would like to thank our continuing members and scholars who have submitted their research to the STR Division in prior years. Your contributions enrich our community. Please continue submitting your best research papers and most creative symposia! We also encourage Ph.D. students or other scholars who have not yet submitted to the AOM or to the STR Division to do so. Symposia offer wonderful opportunities for us to foster research collaborations and meaningful scholarly dialogue. The most attractive symposia are those that address important problems within the strategic management field, combine different theoretical lenses or research methodologies to examine such problems, and therefore promise significant advances to our research and teaching. 

    Submission Deadline: The submission deadline for next year's conference is Tuesday, 10 January 2023 at 17:00 (5pm) ET (NY Time). The AOM submission system will open on Tuesday, 6 December 2022. The STR Division maintains the same submission requirements as the Academy of Management. Please consult the Academy of Management website for useful information and submission requirements – including details about the session formats for the conference – as we have no further information or control over the submission process. We look forward to seeing your submissions and creating an invigorating in-person program for the conference.

    Reviewers Needed! We strongly encourage all who are submitting to the STR Division to volunteer to review for the STR Division. Reviewing is a valuable service to your colleagues and the Academy, and also a way to learn about research and get socialized into the field. The reviewer sign-up system can be accessed at https://review.aom.org/.


    Deepak Somaya
    University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
    Champaign IL
    (217) 333-6873