STR Division Bylaws and Five Year Review
Revision: Officer and EC Approved March 7, 2022
Membership approved May 19, 2022
Constitution of the
Strategic Management (STR) Division Academy of Management
Article I - NAME
The name of this organization shall be the Strategic Management Division of the Academy of Management, hereinafter referred to as the Division.
Article II - PURPOSE
The general purpose of the Division is to promote scholarship and advances in the field of strategic management, and to aid in the extension of knowledge in this field to profit and nonprofit organizations. Strategic management deals with management of the total enterprise. It is concerned with enterprise formation and development, with entrepreneurship, with competition and cooperation among firms or business units, with the formulation of corporate and business objectives, strategies, and policies, with the design of organizational structures, systems and procedures for the implementation of strategy, and with those characteristics of leadership essential to the accomplishment of this purpose.
The specific activities of the Division will include:
- Encouraging and supporting research related to strategic management
- Promoting and conducting the interchange of information, concepts, ideas, and research results among those interested in strategic management
- Promoting and conducting the interchange of information and views on issues and approaches to the teaching of strategic management
- Such other activities and services as are deemed useful by the officers and membership in advancing the state of knowledge and practice in the field of strategic management
Membership in the Division shall be open to members in good standing of the Academy of Management with interest in the Division's purposes.
Section 1. The officers of the Division shall consist of a Past Chair, a Chair, a Chair-Elect, a Program Chair, an Assistant Program Chair, a Treasurer, a Communications Director, a Membership Engagement Committee Chair, a Secretary, and such other appointed officers as approved by the Executive Committee.
Section 2. The Past Chair serves as a counselor to the Chair and, as Chair of the Nomination Committee, is responsible for conducting and certifying the annual election.
Section 3. The Chair succeeds the Past Chair at the STR Annual Business Meeting. The Chair shall be the chief executive officer of the Division and shall administer all affairs of the Division with policy guidance from the Executive Committee, the Chair of the Academy of Management, and its Professional Division Policy Committee. The Chair is responsible for the conduct of the Division's activities in a manner that will assure the accomplishment of the Division's purposes, subject to the policy guidance of the Executive Committee, the Division's Constitution, and the bylaws of the Academy. The Chair will appoint the Communications Director, Membership Engagement Committee Chair, Secretary and Treasurer, when appropriate; the Chair and Membership of all Standing Committees, unless otherwise specified; and such ad hoc committees as are necessary, all subject to the approval of the Executive Committee. The chair coordinates all existing Division Committees. At the annual meeting of the Academy of Management, the outgoing Chair presides over the Division's business meeting and reports on the status and progress of the Division, before passing the baton to the new Chair.
Section 4. The Chair-Elect succeeds the Chair at the STR Annual Business Meeting. During her or his tenure, the Chair-Elect serves in the absence of the Chair and assists the Chair as necessary. The Chair-Elect will coordinate and supervise the Division’s Awards that are not associated with program submissions (e.g. awards for best dissertation, distinguished scholars, distinguished service or emerging scholars).
Section 5. The Program Chair succeeds the outgoing Chair- Elect at the STR Annual Business Meeting of each year. The Program Chair shall be responsible for planning and supervising the Division's program at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management subject to the guidelines established by the Program Chair of the Academy of Management, as well as those of the Executive Committee of the Division. The outgoing Program Chair will maintain responsibility for the entire program, fulfilling all duties of this office until the end of the Academy of Management’s Annual Meeting, even after passing the office formally to the new Program Chair at the STR Business meeting.
Section 6. The Assistant Program Chair succeeds the Program Chair at the STR Annual Business Meeting. The Assistant Program Chair will continue to fulfill all duties of this office until the close of the AoM Annual Meeting, despite formally passing the office on to their successor at the STR Business meeting. The Assistant Program Chair helps the Program Chair develop and administer the annual program in whatever way possible. In addition to providing general assistance to the Program Chair, the Assistant Program Chair is responsible for planning and supervising the Division’s Professional Development Workshops at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management, subject to the guidelines established by the Program Chair of the Academy of Management, as well as those of the Executive Committee of the Division. The Assistant Program Chair is also responsible for coordinating and supervising the selection of the winners of all the conference best paper prizes given by the STR Division. They are also responsible for coordinating all of the food orders at the conference site for the STR Program as well as its pre-conference program.
Section 7. The Treasurer is appointed for a three-year renewable term. The Treasurer shall maintain the Division’s financial records, prepare annual budgets, and report to the Executive Committee on the financial status of the Division. Approval of all expense reimbursement requests shall require the joint approval of the Treasurer and the Chair. All reimbursement requests should be submitted first to the Treasurer, who will review them in terms of the spending guidelines established by the Executive Committee, the bylaws of the Academy, and reasonableness for the items claimed. If acceptable, the Chair will also approve the request and will forward it to the appropriate officer of the Academy for payment. If a request is not acceptable for any reason, the Treasurer and Chair shall discuss the matter with the individual submitting the request. If the explanation is satisfactory to both, they will approve and process the request. If either or both remain unsatisfied, the matter shall be held over until the next Executive Committee meeting and shall be resolved by a majority vote of that Committee, subject to the bylaws of the Academy and the guidelines previously established by the Executive Committee.
Section 8. The Communications Director is appointed for a three-year renewable term. The Communications Director shall organize the Division’s communications with its members. The Communications Director is expected to contribute to timely communication with Division members about Division activities. In this role, they have primary responsibility for overseeing and managing both the Communication Committee and the content of the Division’s website, maintaining the Division’s social media presence, and sending relevant information to members via email and social media channels. They are also expected to understand and leverage the Connect@AOM platform and other communications tools deemed appropriate.
Section 9. The Membership Engagement Committee (MEC) Chair is appointed for a three-year renewable term. The MEC Chair oversees the members of the Membership Engagement Committee, whose purpose is to engage the STR division’s members at the annual Academy of Management meeting and through virtual events throughout the year. The MEC Chair will coordinate with the Division Chair to organize both onsite and offsite events, including helping to organize socials at the conference, serving as the STR Division contact for the AOM membership committee, assisting in finding division representative to staff the AOM New Doctoral Student Consortium and overseeing MEC Committee virtual professional development events throughout the year.
Section 10. The Secretary is appointed for a three-year renewable term. The Secretary shall keep Division archives, including records of its annual Business Meeting, Executive Committee meeting, amendments to the Constitution, and other items at the request the Executive Committee. He or she also shall assist the Assistant Program Chair in the selection of consortia and workshop co-chairs requiring Executive Committee approval, shall assist the Past Division Chair with annual elections and committee nominations, and shall carry out such other duties as specified by the Division Chair. He or she will also be responsible for gathering information and publishing STR’s biannual Newsletter.
Section 1. The policy-making body for the Division shall be the Executive Committee, composed of the Past Chair, Chair, Chair-Elect, Program Chair, Assistant Program Chair and at least twelve members of the Division Executive Committee elected for two year staggered terms. Normally half of the total are to be elected to the Executive Committee each year for two-year terms. The Chair is the presiding officer of Executive Committee Meetings.
Section 2. All activities of the Division shall be under the review of the Executive Committee.
Section 3: All members of the Executive Committee will be assigned to one officer to help plan and organize conference and non-conference events. Permanent assignments include (1) Assisting the Program Chair, and (2) Assisting the Assistant Program Chair. The Chair will also establish subcommittees responsible for new initiatives as needed, subject to Executive Committee approval. In each year that the Division is responsible for conducting its 5-year survey, there will be a subcommittee appointed to assist the Chair with this task. The Chair is responsible for making EC member assignments. When the subcommittee size and requirements allow, subcommittees should include at least one Executive Committee member in their second year and at least one Executive Committee member in their first year to provide for task continuity.
Section 4. The Executive Committee must be convened at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management. The Executive Committee will also meet once during the winter to conduct Division business. Usually, the Chair will convene the Executive Committee, but a written call for an Executive Committee meeting supported by at least five Executive Committee members can convene such a meeting or cause a ballot to be issued for vote by the Division membership.
Section 5. All issues will be deemed approved or disapproved by a simple majority of a quorum of the Executive Committee members (12) and division officers (5). A quorum is defined as nine (9) members for meeting and all members for ballots petitioned under the provisions of Section 4.
Section 6. The Executive Committee shall serve as the Nominating Committee. When serving as a Nominations committee, it will be chaired by the Past Chair.
Section 1. The committees of the Division shall include the: (1) Executive Committee, (2) Teaching Committee, (3) Research Committee, (4) Awards Committee, (5) Membership Engagement Committee, (6) Communications Committee and (7) Global Representatives Committee. No person (other than elected officers) can serve simultaneously on any two committees.
Section 2. The membership of the Executive Committee, its duties and manner of operation are specified in Article V.
Section 3. The Teaching Committee is composed of the Chair, Chair-Elect, Program Chair and a minimum of four appointed members serving two-year terms. Normally, one half of the members will be appointed each year. The Chair of the Teaching Committee shall be the Chair- Elect. The Teaching Committee shall promote improved teaching of strategic management and will promote and conduct efforts that lead to such improvement through both annual conference and non-conference events.
Section 4. The Research Committee is composed of a minimum of sixteen appointed members serving two-year terms. Normally, one-half of the members will be appointed each year. The Chair of the Research Committee shall be the Chair of the Division or their appointee. The Research Committee will be involved in evaluating the best conference papers and best dissertations for awards in processes facilitated by the Division Chair-Elect (for dissertation awards) and the Assistant Program Chair (for best conference paper awards) or their appointees.
Section 5. The Membership Engagement Committee is composed of the Chair, Membership Engagement Committee Chair, and Communications Director and a minimum of nine members. Each MEC Committee member will be appointed for a term of three years. The MEC Committee members shall be appointed at the winter Executive Committee meeting. It shall be the duty of the Membership Engagement Committee to organize conference social activities and non-conference social and professional development activities throughout the year.
Section 6. The Communications Committee is composed of the Chair, the Communications Director and as many appointed members as deemed necessary by the Communications Director. Each member of the Communications Committee will be appointed for a one year term and the Communications Director shall consult with the Chair to renew and extend member terms and appoint new members. It shall be the duty of the Communications Committee to provide timely communication with Division members about Division activities, using several channels to inform Division members and promote Division events.
Section 7. The Global Representatives Committee is composed of the Chair, and as many appointed Global Representatives as deemed necessary by the Chair. Each representative will be appointed for a term of three years. The Global Representatives shall be voted on and appointed at the winter Executive Committee meeting. It shall be the duty of the Global Representatives to promote the Division's interests at the regional meetings held in their respective regions, to support and encourage other activities and developments within their regions that are of benefit to the Division, including professional development workshops, and to report relevant news from their region to the Communications Director and Secretary.
Section 1. The elective officers are the Assistant Program Chair and the elected members of the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall act as the Nominating Committee. Nominees for the position of Assistant Program Chair must have served as an elected member of the Executive Committee. In addition, the Past Division Chair shall organize and oversee an open nomination process for division members. Additional nominations for positions on the Executive Committee can be made each year by written or electronic petition attested to by ten (10) members in good standing of the Division. Additional nominations for the position of Assistant Program Chair can be made each year by written or electronic petition attested to by twenty (20) members in good standing of the Division. This nomination process must remain open for at least 30 days and it must be completed prior to the winter Executive Committee meeting. The Past Division Chair is responsible for encouraging members to participate in the nomination process.
Section 2. Two candidates are required for each Executive Committee position and a minimum of two candidates for the position of Assistant Program Chair. In addition to the candidates nominated by the division membership, the Executive Committee will have the possibility of proposing additional individuals to complete the ballot.
Section 3. The Past Chair will submit a ballot to the membership as soon as possible. A plurality of all ballots returned to the Past Chair will constitute election to the open offices.
Section 4. A Chair cannot be nominated to the Assistant Chair position until at least two years after her or his term of Past Chair has expired.
Section 5. The positions of Past Chair, Chair, Chair-Elect, Program Chair, and Assistant Program Chair terminate as of the Annual STR Business meeting each year. Membership on the Executive committee begins at the Annual STR Business Meeting and terminates two years later. Appointed positions and committee memberships normally terminate at the Annual STR Business meeting commensurate with their established length of service.
Section 6. The election must be completed prior to July 1 but will generally follow Academy of Management election procedures and timelines. The results will be deemed official when documentation has been presented to the Chair by the Past Chair.
Section 7. A two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Executive Committee shall be required to remove an Officer or Executive Committee member from office prior to the expiration of the term for which that person has been elected. In addition, two percent (2%) of the voting STR membership may petition the Executive Committee to remove any elected official. The petition shall be voted upon by the STR Executive Committee.
Section 8. Should an elective officer, including the Chair-Elect, the Program Chair, or the Assistant Program Chair, or any elected member of the Executive Committee be unable to complete his or her term, the Chair will nominate a member of the Division. Nominees for any elective officer position to be filled during the term must have served in an elected position for the division. A plurality vote by the Executive Committee is required to approve the nomination. The replacement shall serve until the next normal election where the executive committee will nominate a permanent replacement to be elected by division members.
Section 1. A Newsletter will be published, at a minimum, in the fall and the spring by the Division to facilitate communications and report all relevant Division activities to the entire membership.
Section 2. The Secretary in consultation with the Chair will be responsible for initiating and maintaining the Newsletter.
Section 3. To accomplish its general purpose, the Division will publish whatever articles, papers, notes, and other materials as the Executive Committee deems necessary, subject to the publications policy of the Academy of Management.
There shall be an annual business meeting of the Division held concurrently with the annual meeting of the Academy of Management. Special meetings may be held as deemed necessary by the Division's Officers.
Section 1. This constitution will be ratified by a majority of all members who vote through ballot sponsored by the Executive Committee of the Division.
Section 2. Amendments to the Constitution shall be by a two-thirds vote of the Division members present at the annual business meeting of the Division or by a majority vote of all members who vote during an election sponsored by the officers of the Division.