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#STRongerTogether Virtual Writing Retreat on Sept 30

  • 1.  #STRongerTogether Virtual Writing Retreat on Sept 30

    Posted 09-13-2021 13:44

    The STR Division invites you to join the September 2021 Virtual Writing Retreat, Q&A with Tim Pollock. Tim is the author of How to Use Storytelling in Your Academic Writing, and in his previous visits to the STR Writing Retreat he has presented on the structure and techniques of storytelling, and on writing the Hypotheses and Discussion sections. During each session, there were far more questions folks wanted to ask than Tim could answer in the allotted time. So, this month we decided to dedicate Tim's entire session to Q&A. Please join us and bring your most pressing or baffling writing questions and concerns. Tim is happy to answer any and all questions about academic writing, and the writing and publishing processes. We will spend 45 min – 1hr addressing your writing questions and will spend the remainder of the time focusing and applying Tim's advice to our writing tasks.


    Where: Please register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYtdu6grTwoHdBr2MdeMaJ5SR24A5eAx9Jg . This session will not be recorded.


    When: September 30, 9-11am EDT 


    The STR Writing Retreat series is part of #STRongerTogether initiatives where we invite scholars to a single-minded session focused on writing – so please bring that introduction, theory, discussion or review piece you are working on, or any other writing for which you want to summon the collective power of our academic community. 


    If you have any questions or are interested in volunteering to host future writing retreats, please email Aldona Kapacinskaite at aldona.kapacinskaite@unibocconi.it, STR Membership Engagement Committee member.



    Aldona Kapacinskaite | Assistant Professor | Department of Management and Technology

    Bocconi University

    Tel: +39 02 5836.2532

    Email: aldona.kapacinskaite@unibocconi.it 

    Web: www.aldonak.com  

    Connect: LinkedIn | Twitter  

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