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  • 1.  Websites for sourcing participants for surveys/experiments

    Posted 06-02-2021 13:13

    Dear Strategy Researchers:


    I have so far used Prolific.co, CloudResearcher.com, and MTurk.com to source participants for my surveys/experiments. I know that Qualtrics.com and Centiment.co also offer participants.


    If you are aware of any other website, please respond.


    Thank you!

    Vivek Astvansh

    Assistant Professor of Marketing,

    Kelley School of Business, Indiana University

    http://kelleyschool.iu.edu/astvansh | +1 (812) 855-8953



  • 2.  RE: Websites for sourcing participants for surveys/experiments

    Posted 06-03-2021 12:22
    Vivek and Colleagues,
    There are several such websites available, as described in the following article:
    Also, the following article will be useful in terms of ensuring data quality and pre-empting comments by skeptical reviewers who may say "I simply don't believe in the validity of studies relying on online data collection--your paper is rejected!"
    I hope this helps!All the best,--Herman.

    Herman Aguinis, Ph.D.
    President Elect, Academy of Management
    Avram Tucker Distinguished Scholar & Department of Management Chair
    The George Washington University School of Business
    Washington, DC