
STR Officers
The STR membership elects the Assistant Program Chair, who then proceeds through a five-year track that ends with a term as Past Division Chair. The Division Chair appoints the Communications Director, the Secretary, the Treasurer, and the Engagement Chair.

Mors Louise 20-25 Past Division Chair Copenhagen Business School
Somaya Deepak 21-26 Division Chair U. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Wu Brian 22-27 Division Chair Elect U. of Michigan
Guler Isin 23-28 Program Chair U. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Jia Nan 24-29 Assistant Program Chair U. Southern California
Wu Andy 22-25 Membership Engagement Chair Harvard Business School
Aversa Paolo 17-26 Communications Director King's College London
Maslach Dave 24-26 Secretary Florida State U.
Drnevich Paul 23-25 Treasurer U. of Alabama

STR Executive Committee

The members of the STR Executive Committee are elected by the STR membership. They serve two-year terms. The elected STR Officers and the Executive Committee are the primary policy-making body in the STR.

Hawn Olga 23-25 U. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Heimeriks Koen 23-25 Warwick Business School
Honore Florence 23-25 U. Wisconsin-Madison
Lumineau Fabrice 23-25 U. Hong Kong
Santalo Juan 23-25 Instituto De Empresa
Tan David 23-25 U. Washington
Clough David 24-26 U. British Columbia
Fang Christina 24-26 New York University
Magelssen Catherine 24-26 London Business School
Mawdsey John 24-26 HEC Paris
Polidoro Francisco Jr. 24-26 U. Texas - Austin
Zhou Maggie 24-26 U. Michigan

STR Research Committee

The members of the STR Research Committee are appointed by the elected STR Officers and the STR Executive Committee. They serve two-year terms. This committee is responsible for reviewing papers for the various STR Best Paper Awards at the Annual Meeting each year. This committee also selects the winner of the annual Dissertation Award.

Amore Mario 23-25 Bocconi U
Bode Christiane 23-25 Imperial College
Boysen Andrew 23-25 U. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Chauvin Jasmina 23-25 Georgetown U
Dickler Teresa 23-25 Philipps U of Marburg and IE Business School
Krause Ryan 23-25 Texas Christian U
Li Yong 23-25 U Nevada, Las Vegas
Marchetti Arianna 23-25 London Business School
Pongeluppe Leandro 23-25 U Pennsylvania
Testoni Marco 23-25 University of Miami
Tsolmon Ulya 23-25 Washington U. St. Lious
Yu Sandy 23-25 U Minnesota
Albert Daniel 24-26 Drexel University
Almeida Costa Alfonso 24-26 Nova School of Business
Brahm Francisco 24-26 London Business School
Bundy Jonathan 24-26 Arizona State University
Hill Aaron 24-26 University of Florida
Lee Narae 24-26 KAIST
Orlandi Ilaria 24-26 Copenhagen Business School
Schmidt Jens 24-26 Aalto University
Wibbens Phebo 24-26 INSEAD
Wowak Adam 24-26 University of Notre Dame
Xing Zhen 24-26 Santa Clara University
Wilden Ralf 24-26 Macquarie

STR Awards Committee

The members of the STR Award Committee are appointed by the elected STR Officers and the STR Executive Committee. They serve two-year terms. This committee is responsible for selecting the annual Irwin Outstanding Educator Award winner, the Guth Outstanding Service Award given in uneven years, and the Distinguished Scholarship Award given in even years. This committee also helps decide which awards the STR Division offers.

Baumann Oliver 23-25 U. Southern Denmark
Maritan Cathy 23-25 Syracuse U.
Martin Xavier 23-25 Tilburg U.
Zaheer Aks 23-25 U. Minnesota
Coff Russ 24-26 University of Wisconsin
Collis David 24-26 Harvard Business School
Kaul Aseem 24-26 University of Minnesota
Luo Jiao 24-26 University of Minnesota
Teece David 24-26 University of California-Berkeley

STR Teaching Committee
The members of the STR Teaching Committee are appointed by the elected STR Officers and the STR Executive Committee. They serve two-year terms. They help organize and develop teaching-related content, such as PDWs, at the Annual Meeting.

Furr Nathan 23-25 INSEAD
Kiousis Konstantina 23-25 Washington U. St. Lious
Mol Michael 23-25 Copenhagen Business School
Seaborn Paul 23-25 U. Virginia
Burford Natalie 24-26 IESE
Chng Han Ming "Daniel" 24-26 CEIBS
Gorman Trish 24-26 Washington U. St. Lious
Gu Cecilia 24-26 Georgia State University

STR Global Representatives
The STR Global Reps represent the interests of the various global regions. For example, they organize the annual Fostering Publication from Around the World PDW at the Annual Meeting. They also provide updates in biannual STR Newsletter regarding events, conferences, and other opportunities in their respective regions.





IE Business School





Gordon Institute of Business Science




East Asia





ASEAN & Oceania

Monash U





Sao Paolo SBA FGV




Southwest Asia

IIM Bangalore

STR Membership Engagement Committee
The Membership Engagement Committee works in collaboration with the Engagement Chair to design and run engagement activities (usually cultural, social, leisure and sport activities) all year long and at the Annual Conference. 

Teodorovicz Thomaz  22-25 Copenhagen Business School
Pennington Keith 22-25 UCLA
Inoue Carlos 22-25 University of Illinois At Urbana-Champaign
Akinsanmi Oyedeji Bukky 23-26 London Business School
Khoshsokhan Sina 23-26 U. Colorado, Boulder
Miller Cameron 23-26 Syracuse U.
Albert Daniel 24-27 Drexel University
Jacobs Charlotte 24-27 Louisiana State University
Damaraju Naga Lakshmi 24-27 Sonoma State University

STR Communications Team
The Communications Team works in collaboration with the Communications Director to run the communication plan and channels of the Division.

Doria Laura STR Conversations Iowa State U.
Qiu Yixin BiliBili/Wechat U. of Galway
Zohrehvand Miros Website Leiden U.
Micheli Maria Rita LinkedIN IESEG
Hueller Francesca  Instagram U. of Liverpool
Yuan Yuki Podcast Imperial College London
Minervini Marco Calendar IE
Ao Jingning Twitter U. Pittsburgh
Mosca Luigi Youtube Imperial College London

Consortium/Workshop Co-chairs (organized the 2024 offerings)

Carnahan Seth DissC 24-25 Washington University, Olin
  DissC 25-26
Chown Jillian DocC 24-25 Northwestern University
  DocC 25-26
Koo Wesley JFPW 24-25 Johns Hopkins
Maria Roche JFPW 24-25 Harvard Business School
  JFPW 25-26
  JFPW 25-26
Vroom Govert MidC 24-25 IESE
  MidC 25-26
  MYDW 25
Polidoro Francisco JFC 24-25 The University of Texas, Austin
  JFC 25-26
Raveendran Marlo 24-25 TCon UC Riverside
    25-26 TCon